old.wrek.org The Ball | WREK Atlanta, 91.1 FM

The Ball

Friday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Genres: Synthpop, Disco, Eurodance, Electropop, House

Go beyond the curtain at WREK’s own discotheque, and rumor has it… we’re holding a ball. Tune in for a deep delve into the illustrious strings, symphonic synths, and infectious grooves of everything synthpop, disco, and house. Category is always pure dance perfection at The Ball.

The last show (128kbps / 24kbps)

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The show before (128kbps / 24kbps)

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Hyperball 2: This time, it’s personal. (100 wreks #51)

The Hyperball is back on the airwaves bringing you maximalist synth-infused dance perfection…or should I say destruction…because this time, it’s personal. Here’s tonight’s tracklist:

1999 (EASYFUN Remix) - Charli XCX

Believe - GFOTY
Focus (Jennifer Walton focuscore edit) - Charli XCX

Whole New World (DOSS + SOPHIE Remix) - SOPHIE
sad day (Bedhair Girl Remix) - FKA twigs
Concrete Angel - Hannah Diamond

Firefly (Kingdom Edit) - Shygirl
Sweat (SOPHIE Remix) - SONIKKU + LIZ

Super Natural (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen) - Danny L Harle
Gold Leaf (Supersaw Edit) - A. G. Cook

cantbreathe (TUNA DISPLAY cuteuphoria remix) - diana starshine
crowd (umru remix) - Sophie Cates

Kiss (feat. Hannah Diamond) - Himera